Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Rule number 1, never wait for a friend at a shopping complex! It happened 3 months ago and recently. This is how the story goes...

See, a few months ago, I had an appointment with a good friend of mine Cedric, who comes from BANDAR Teluk Intan. We've been buddies for almost 6 years and so happen he was in town that time. We said we would meet at 1Utama at 7pm. Being the time freak that I am, I arrived at 6.45pm and thought I would walk around.

7pm, got a call from Cedric and he said he would arrive in less than half an hour. Knowing how fast I walk, I covered almost every floor at the new wing waiting for him and I had no choice but to enter the forbidden streets a.k.a High Street!

It was a cold and quiet street where lifeless mannequins pose seductively behind glass walls luring you into their lair. I resisted every temptation by looking down on the marble floor as I walk the streets, but occasionally taking a quick peep to see if...if Cedric has arrived.

Then suddenly, a bloody red sign caught my eyes and immediately, I was in a trance. It was so huge and bright and so beautiful that anybody with a right mind would go to it like moths to flames, it showed 70% That lair had an ancient symbol on it as well '?' which renders anyone who enters, clueless!

Cedric was still no where to be found. I thought to myself, this place isn't so bad compared to the other lairs with unruly names such as FCUK and EXChange. I went in, grabbed a couple of garments and locked myself in the changing room. In that room, lies an enchanted mirror that never lies. It shows the beautiful side of you. I was alarmed when someone knocked on my door. I opened it and discovered it was the keeper of the lair. It looked refine and told me in it's sweet charming voice that the garment on me made me looked great. I can't help but agree.

The lair keeper led me to the counter. It was weird but I knew I had to take out my wallet and somehow on that fateful day, I had cash with me. I paid for the gorgeous white shirt, got a really nice bag that came with it and just when I was about to put the receipt into the bag...

CEDRIC came and the spell was broken! Urgh...

Wat a coincidence. Just last week, Cedric was in town and we went to KLCC for the 2009 FHM Culinary Exhibition! Yes, loads of free food to savour :p

We ended the day at 6.15pm and had to wait for Sharon before we leave for KLPAC. She was suppose to meet us there and while waiting, Cedric the SHOPPING MUSE / DEVIL pointed out that GUESS was just a floor down and situated behind from where we were sitting. I thought it wasn't a good idea but after 30 minutes of diliberation I remembered I needed a belt.

We walked in and to my horror, the belt was just crazily overpriced but before I could march myself out of the boutique, this long-sleeved round-neck caught my attention. Cut story short, I had cash with me, bought the shirt and then Sharon arrived 5 minutes later...

I have two Guess shirts hanging in my closet now and both with Cedric in the story!

1 comment:

  1. AHA! Caught ya! Shopping and bought 2 new GUESS shirts!!! Hmmm.... So... When are we going to see them??? Huh? Huh? Huh?
